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Image by Michael Fousert


Click the Button for a Fillable Parking Information PDF.

Vintage Place is in the process of verifying car registration for its residents. Please include your parking sticker number with the vehicle information on the form. Completed forms may be sent to management using one of the following methods:


Fax: (703) 968-0936

Mail: Sequoia Management Company

        13998 Parkeast Circle

        Chantilly, VA 20151

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News and Updates

Sidewalk Repairs​

Phase 1 of the sidewalk repairs have been ongoing most of today and are finishing up now. Please steer clear of the newly poured concrete as it hardens.

We also had our electrical contractor out and they have been working on getting the street light power lines back online. Due to some unexpected damage from the removal of some sections of the concrete, additional repairs are needed. We have been assured that there are no live or exposed wires in the community. The remaining repairs will be Thursday or Friday of next week. 

Line Striping August 1 & 2, 2022

We will have line striping crews onsite next week. Please use the map below for reference.

Phase 1 on Monday, 8/1 is in Blue

Phase 2 on Tuesday, 8/2 is in Red

​***If it rains, we will push back all dates by 1 day. 

Cars will need to be moved by 8 AM or they will be towed at the owner's expense at a rate of $180 each. Towing will begin promptly at 8 AM.


Further Information

  • You can park at Aldrin Elementary or near North Hills Pool.

  • If you have a driveway, please park in it. 

  • If you have more than 1 vehicle, please park your second vehicle away from the community for the two nights.

  • Please do NOT park at Hawthorne.

  • If you have any questions please reach out to Sequoia Management at 703-803-9641. Ask for Donna, Gary or Rosemary.

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News and Updates

October 5, 2021


Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting will be help this upcoming Monday, October 11th, 2021 at the Reston Regional Library at 7:00 PM. Every home should've received an official notice by mail yesterday with further information. If you have any questions please reach out to our representatives at Sequoia management; Angela Corum and Rosemary Araujo.


Community Updates

We hand-delivered two surveys to every home last night. Homeowners, please fill these out by tomorrow night. If for some reason you're not seeing the paper survey form you can click here and here to take them.


Community Picnic

We will be hosting a community BBQ on Sunday, October 31st from 12-4 PM at the field atop of Vintage Place. This will be a great time to meet your neighbors and get to know the residents in the neighborhood. We will have food, music and activities for the kids.


Parking Reminders

We will begin enforcing parking regulations starting November 1, 2021.

  • Every vehicle needs a Vintage Place parking sticker

  • Every vehicle needs to have current county tags and inspections

  • There is a maximum of 2 vehicles per household

  • Please be courteous to neighbors and park in front of your home

  • No commercial vehicles are allowed to be parked in our community from 8 PM-8 AM

  • Every home is entitled to 1 guest parking pass and vehicles using the pass can park in resident spaces

  • Guest spaces are not for long-term parking and are limited to 5 days

News & Events: Text

News and Updates

Food Truck Friday

Our neighbors at Hawthorn Court have organized a food truck to visit the neighborhood again next Friday, June 25, from 4:00 to 7:00pm. Taco Town will be located at the entrance of the neighborhood (between Vintage Place and Hawthorn Court). Visit the website to place your order.


Next HOA Board Meeting: July 12, 2021

The next board meeting is Monday, July 12, 2021 at 7:30pm. Click here to join the Zoom meeting. If you need to use your phone, full dial-in details for Zoom are listed below. HOA meetings are open to all community members, and take place the second Monday of every other month.


March 2021 Proposal to Replace Problem Trees Approved

Thanks to all residents who participated in the tree project survey and joined the March HOA meeting. Based on feedback from the community (83% of survey respondents voted in favor of the project), the VP board voted unanimously to approve the project to replace problem trees during the March 8, 2020 board meeting. The board will communicate details around timing and logistics for the tree project once we receive approval from RA and can schedule a firm start date. There is no increase to HOA dues at this time; please refer to the email update for more information about cost.



Please ensure you are following the community parking policies. If your vehicle is towed for violating parking policy, please contact JDR Towing at 703-856-0270.


Trash & Recycling

Trash and recycling should be put out the night before pickup, and bins should be removed from the curb the same day once picked up. Please take care to collect any items that have blown around or may have fallen out of bins during pickup to keep our community clean.


Yard Debris Collection

Following the new Fairfax County Ordinance, effective Monday, April 19, American
Disposal Services will no longer accept or collect yard debris material placed in plastic bags.
To ensure collection, all yard debris material must be placed in reusable containers labeled yard debris
or biodegradable compostable waste bags
to ensure collection. Remember that yard debris are picked up on Thursdays.


Vintage Place on Facebook

If you're on Facebook, request access to the Vintage Place group to connect with neighbors. Please note that this Facebook group is not moderated by the HOA, and we ask that residents post only relevant information and remain respectful when posting and replying to content.


Email Updates

Enter your name and email address below to receive HOA updates and newsletters via email.

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The Zoom info for HOA board meetings is listed below.


Click to Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 961 9120 9109

Passcode: 652507

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+13126266799,,96191209109#,,,,*652507# US (Chicago)

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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

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